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Layout Withdrawl...

Rail Time - a Model Train Blog: Layout Withdrawl...

Friday, July 25, 2008

Layout Withdrawl...

I boxed up my layout in late April, even though we weren't going to move until July. I figured since we were putting the house on the market on the first weekend in May, I didn't want prospective home buyers picking and prodding at the layout. Fortunately, we sold the house that first weekend it was on the market.

...but then I got real busy in the final stages of my PhD dissertation and defense, and I never did get a chance to set the layout back up. I've been hand-carrying all of my N scale trains (I trust the movers with the layout, but not the equipment), but they have no rails to run on.

When I get to Nebraska, I'll have a basement. There's a room set aside in the basement that's perfect for the layout, my workbench, and my railroad books. I plan to decorate it with my train pictures and railroad signs, and maybe even a display case.

As for the layout, I have big plans. Among the changes/modifications I'm considering:

1. Dual era structures and vehicles; one set for 1956, and one for 1980.
2. New scale-sized LED position light signals (I have these already; just need to build 'em).
3. Relaying track with code 55 (sorry, I just can't take the oversized code 80 anymore, no matter how well it works. It looks awful).
4. New staging yard with greater capacity.

Well, I can dream, anyway... I get my layout back on August 4th.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your plans. I look forward to photos when you've completed your changes.

July 26, 2008 at 9:26 PM  

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